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Leaker unveils next Epic Games Store free game

Redout 2 is rumoured to be the next free game of the week on the Epic Games Store. (Image source: Epic Games)
Redout 2 is rumoured to be the next free game of the week on the Epic Games Store. (Image source: Epic Games)
A reliable leaker has shared details about the next game that Epic Games plans to offer for free through the Epic Games Store. Although the deal will not go live for another week, the leaker has form for correctly revealing ahead of schedule what game Epic Games has in mind.

Epic Games has only just refreshed its free game of the week deal. For reference, the storefront has discounted a popular tactical role-playing game this week that focuses on the Marvel universe. Right on cue, @billbil_kun has revealed details about the game that will be replacing this week's giveaway.

As always, Epic Games has not officially outlined its future giveaway plans, let alone hinted as much. Nonetheless, @billbil_kun has form for announcing the correct next Epic Games Store giveaway. For example, the leaker offered up details about this week's discounted game well ahead of schedule.

This time, @billbil_kun claims that Epic Games will reduce Redout 2 (curr. $19.98 for PlayStation 5 on Amazon) to $0.00 on June 13. Please note that this deal will only apply to the base game and not its Summer Pack, Winter Pack or Ultimate Edition. Still, the base game currently sells for $19.99 in the US through Epic Games. Alternatively, the same game can be purchased from Steam for $9.99 until June 10.

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Alex Alderson, 2024-06- 6 (Update: 2024-06- 7)